
Diagram of CoFR climate change activities
sourced from RBNZ Climate Changed Report

NZ regulation of financial aspects of climate change

Climate-related disclosure (CRD)

United Nations Climate Change conference of the parties (COP)

cows, cars, coal, cash, capture


Glasgow Climate Pact (COP26, Nov 2021) ...

... and finance/ISSB videos here: full session, Mark Carney, Erkki Liikanen (IFRS) (alternative versions here and here) and Ashley Alder (IOSCO). IFRS update. Andrew Bailey BoE remarks.

Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero

The Economist's annotated version of the Paris Agreement

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties

"accelerate our actions across mitigation, adaptation and finance" - G20 Rome Leaders' Declaration (Oct 2021) para 23


Measuring emissions

Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)

MfE Measuring Emissions: Detailed Guide 2020

For example of an aggregator for bank accounts that helps determine scope 3 emissions see Spain's BBVA (no endorsement implied)


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Finance Initiative: Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)

Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA)

Legal considerations (inc directors' duties)


Global Methane Pledge

International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO)

MethaneSAT - NZ's first government-funded space mission


Central Banks and Supervisors: Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)

MfE says that climate risk scenario guidance will be released by the end of 2021.

MfE A guide to local climate change risk assessments

APRA Climate Vulnerability Assessment (Sep 2021)

Values (and integrated reporting)

Financial Markets Authority: FMA's role in an integrated financial system (Dec 2020)


Ministerial releases

Climate Action Tracker

NZ SeaRise

The nine planetary boundaries (Stockholm Resilience Centre)

  • ozone depletion

  • biodiversity loss: biodiversity intactness index (BII) and extinctions per million species-years (E/MSY)

  • novel entities: things created and introduced into the environment by humans that could have disruptive effects on the earth system, including synthetic organic pollutants, radioactive materials, genetically modified organisms, nano-materials, and micro-plastics

  • climate change: including melting polar sea-ice and destruction of rainforests

  • ocean acidification

  • freshwater use

  • land system change

  • nitrogen and phosphorus flows

  • atmospheric aerosol pollution

1.5 project (NZ)

The 17 sustainable development goals (UN)

  1. no poverty

  2. zero hunger

  3. good health and well-being

  4. quality education

  5. gender equality

  6. clean water and sanitation

  7. affordable and clean energy

  8. decent work and economic growth

  9. industry, innovation and infrastructure

  10. reduced inequalities

  11. sustainable cities and communities

  12. responsible consumption and production

  13. climate action

  14. life below water

  15. life on land

  16. peace, justice and strong institutions

  17. partnerships for the goals